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Development Services

Broadcast City Resub #1 Card 2

BROADCAST CITY RESUB #1 CARD 2.tif BROADCAST CITY RESUB #1 Card 1/2 Lot 1- Z.A. DENIED request of Coca Cola Bottling Co., lessee & Port Properties, Inc., own to erect a 7' x 7' double-faced, interior illuminated, directional sign, overall nt. 23', pole to obs l' SB, overnang to obs O' SB,-wnere 25' is estab in the 46-- blk of Federal Blvd., approx 533' west of 47tn St. in tne M-lA Zone but has APPROVED the above described sign with an overall neight of 19', condl. C-9373 N.H. 7-1-69-------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------Lot 3- Permit to Retlaw Enterprises, Inc. to constr & operate a radio broadcasting and administrative office facility on the west side of 47th St. betw Hiwy 94 and Beech St. Zone R-4. 412-PC 10-3-74 Lot 3- ZA APPROVED request of Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of San Diego to erect a roof- mounted satellite antenna above an existing commercial bldg. with conds., Zoned MR-1000 (MCCPD). C-20045 9/22/88