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Development Services

Broadcast City Resub #1 Card 1

BROADCAST CITY RESUB #1 CARD 1.tif BROADCAST CITY RESUB #1 f,(,}; /r;::- V--J - ~-...- CARD #1 '."W Lot l- Permit to Coca-Cola Bottling Co. to erect 8 1 high chain link fence along Ely p.l. with 12" ext arms proj inward on top for overall height of 9 1 above ground where max 6 1 high fence w/12" ext arms proj inward is perm, on Federal Blvd., 200 1 Wly of 47th St., Zone M-lA, condl. Case No. 6019 9-26-63------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Permit to Port Properties, Inc., owner & Coca-Cola Bottling Company, lessee, to erect and maintain 3' x 51 sign in addn to exist 3 1 x 5' double faced interior lighted, free standing directional sign for a new total height of 11'-lli", where signs permitted with R-4 uses, on 47th St., betw Highway 94 and Beech Street, R-4 Zone. Case No. 6467.5-21-64 Lot 1- Permit to Port Properties, Inc. to oonst two addn to exist industrial bldg; addns to obs 12 1 sideyd on easterly por of prop. & 20' sideyd on Wly por of prop., where 25 1 sideyd are req at on Federal Blvd., 200 1 wly of ~7th St., Zone M-lA. C-9047 1-9-69 Lot 2 and Por Lot 18, Rancho Ex-Mission {Horton's Purchase)- Permit to Port Properties,Inc to provide supplemental parking on R-1-5 and R-4 lots contiguous to use in the adjoining M-lA Zone at 4678 Beech St. betw 47th St. & Federal Blvd (Zone R-1-5 is Lot 18 and Zone R-4 is Lot 2) condl C-9083 2-11-69