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Development Services

Brierwood Unit #5

BRIERWOOD UNIT #5.tif BRIERWOOD #5 Lot 86- Permit to J. private property and RC-lA Zone, condl R. Shattuck to reduce 10' req landscape strip on lot to 5'6" 4' 611 on public property, SE corn Tbornwood St. & Auburndale C-4722 2-16-62 0 on St. Lot 95 {formerly P.L. 1213)- Permit to Walter O. Gerber, Jr. & Lorraine E. to const sin fam res with attach gar on par not having full frontage on a dedicated St., Wly end of Belden St. Zone R-1 APPEAL 4-20-60 z. A. decision upheld- cul de sac R/W 6 mos ext to expire 5-2-61 C-3145 2-26-60 Lot 86- Permit to J. R. Shattuck, owner & Speedee Mart, Inc., lessee, to install 2' x 24' single-faced plexiglass, interior-lighted sign mounted flush against camopy of store bldg on premises with 57' lineal st. frntg where aggregate area of signs. perm may not exceed 5/lOth sq ft per each lineal ft. of st. frntg & must be attached to face of bldg at 3687 Auburndale St., at SE cor of Auburndale St. & Thornwood St., Zone RC-lA condl C-5235 10-15-62 Lot 86- Permit DENrm to J. R. Shatuuck to erect & maintain 3'6" x 81 2-pole sign to obs 10' SB; pole obs 11' 4" SB (25' req & attch to bldg perm) 3677-87 Auburndale St., SE cor Thonnwood St., RC-lA C-5866, 5867 8-8-63 ABOVE APPEALED 8-19-63- APPEAL DENIED 10-8-63