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Development Services

Brierwood Unit #1

BRIERWOOD UNIT #1.tif BR!ERWOOD UNI'l' f/1 Lot l- Permit to AMT Devolopement Co to erect & maintain for l yr, 1 temp pole mtd sing faced unlited 6 1 x 12' directional aign advertia Brierwood Sub being por P.L. 1213 NE cor Rockglen Ave. & Auburndale St., R-1 C-3592 9-28-60 AMEND to transfer sign from Lot l to Lot 2 to exp&re 9-28-61 2-10-61 Lots 2-4- Permit to AMT Development Co. to use exist sing tam rea on eacn lot for model bome, use attacb gar on Lot 3 for tract sales off; & erect & maintain l temp unlite pole mounted 4 1 x 8 1 identifi sign on Lot 2; Amend to include one 8 1 x 12' sign on skids N of Lot 2, five 3' x 5' flags on 15' poles & 12" x 24" sign on frt of Lot 2, tvo 18 11 x 24" a 1gns & tvo 12" x 24 11 s 1gns on Lot 3, one 1211 x 24 11 sign on Lot 4, & aign painted on glass doors of sales off, for l yr, Rockglen Ave, Wly of Auburndale St, R-1 zone c-3893 3-3-61 Lot 3- HEARING OFFICER APPROVED with conditions the Large Family Day Care Center sought by Karla DeCrescenzo-Mosley, Norman Mosley and John DeCrescenzo to operate a large family day care center for a maximum of 12 children, located at 6656 Rockglen Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. c-20289 5_16_ 89