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Development Services

Brethren Park (Formerly Rancho Mission Lot 7)

BRETHREN PARK (FORMERLY RANCHO MISSION LOT 7).tif BRETHRDi PARK (Poraerly Rancho Mission Lot 7) 0O5if'5l-0D <,., Lot 7- Permit to Church of the Brethren, purch, & Guy C. & Carl~n Licllty- & Henry WUes owners, to const church plant on par per plans on file, on Westgate Pl. betw Parrot & ' Jwiiper Sts., Zone R-1, where sing tam res on lot or par of land of record at of zoning is perm, condl. 6-mos ext to exp. 9-19-64 granted to above. 9-19-63-------------------------------------------- Lot 7- ABOVE AMENDED to include low ret wall with 4 1 x 4 1-8" bulletin bd at t. c.u.P. Case No. S968 9-14-61.------------------------------------------------------------------ \u