Bramer Extension Block 11 Card 1
BRAMER EXTENSION BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif BRAEHAR EXTENSION ~ Wly Por Lots 1 & 2- Permit to John & Barbara Sachs to const sin fam res & carport, obs 6 1 611 rearyd where 20' req, E side of 'E.Briarfield, N Of Mission Bay, R-1 zone, cond'J amend 2-6-76 (Joho Elmore) C-2513 5-15-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot A- Permit/AGREEMENT to PEGGY WHEATCROFT to construct interior remodel and add wet bar to existing two story, single-family dwelling, at 1068 E. Briarfield Drive, Zone R91-5 AGREEMENT #2857 10-15-82