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Development Services

Boyce Heights

BOYCE HEIGHTS.tif:BOYCE BEIGH'l'S Lot 19- Permit to Davco Inc. to use exist sin fam res as model bome & attach gar as tract ottice and erect & maintain 2 pennants attach to eaves and 2 1811 x 24" temp unlited signs advert tract homes, for l yr to exp 8-15-61,oo-S'freamview Dr betw Boyce Lane and Lemons Ave. Zone Rl C-3517 B.H. 8-l0-6o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 36- Permit to Davco Corp to adjust lot lines on Lots 34-38 & maintain new sin fam res obs 4.7 1 to 4.84 side yd on Wly side (5'req) on Sly side of Streamview Dr. R-1 Cert of Survey to be filed in Zoning Div. C-3597-3598 l0-7-6o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 9- Permit to Ronald A. & Doris J. Tully to constr 2 bedroom and living room wittl bar sink; addition to exist sin fam dwell at 5142 Streamview Dr. Zone R-15 AGRl!:E l76o 5-8-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 24- Permit to Richard J. & Guadalupe Johnson to main a garage conversion and to pro- vide two pking spaces obs a 12' front yard at 5135 Streamview Drive. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14564 NH. 8-10-77.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Permit to Thomas & Eleanora Collet to constr a fam rm addn w/bar sink at 3322 Salta Place, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2411 12/12/79 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 35- AGREEMENT with Lola Walker to constr. a 2nd-floor addn. (with 2 bedrooms, den & bath) to an exist. SFD; access to 2nd story addn from 1st-floor bedroom only at 5175 Steamview Dr., Zone Rl-5000. Agree. #3312 6/11/85