Boulevard Heights Block A Card 1
BOULEVARD HEIGHTS BLOCK A CARD 1.tif BOULEVARD HEIGHTS--. /"-: BLOCKA V (Card. No. J.) Lots 6 & 7 & Nl.y 20' Lot 8- Permit to James K. & Lois B. Sowersby to dev parcel as 1 perm by ordinance; Zone R-1. S-338 J.l-21-55------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------- Lots 9 & 10, Lot 8 exc Nl.y 20'- Permit to James K. & Lois B. So'llrersby to dev parcel as perm by ordinance; Zone R-1; fronting on Gertrude Street..1 S-337 11-29-55' Lots 9 & 10 & SWly 5' of Lot 8- Appeal of Louis R. & Kathleen M. Robe!'ts to maintain exist 5'4" hi wood fence on top of retain wall ranging in ht from 10" to 2'1"; over-. all ht ranging from 6 1 211 to 7'5"; fence & retain wall to obs O' SB where average ~f Blk, 15', is req; 1368 Gertrude St, Zone R-1; DENIED maintenance of 5'4" hi' fence on top of exist retain wall, but APPROVED maintenance of 41 6" bi fence on top of"\ exist retain wall for overall ht ranging from 5'4" to 6 17". ____________________________________________________ Case_No._5162_____ 9-21-62_____________ Lots 17 & 18- Permit to Mrs. Kathryn L. Jackson to maintain & obtain final insp approval of exist 61 hi wood fence enclosing recreation area in. front of exist dwell; fence obs O' SB on Gertrude St where average SB of 14' is req; fence.max 3' perm in SB; at 1342 Gertrude St, Zone R-l; DENIED 61 hi fence but APPROVED 5' hi fence; Condl.____________________________________________________ Case_No._5201_____ 1()..9-62_____________