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Development Services

Boulevard Gardens Card 9

BOULEVARD GARDENS CARD 9.tif BOULEVARD GARDENS CARD #9 ~ Lot 66- ZA considered request dated 3/19/85 to amend C-18416 dated 6/4/84 which p:rmjttY(~ BLUEFIN PROPERTIES to LO develop property as a parking lot to serve proposed 4-story office bldg on adjacent lot; & 2) with parking to observe a 5' front yd where 15 1 is reqd at 1206 Morena Blvd, Zone R-400; & does hereby amend said permission to constr. a two level parking structure partially below grade to observe an 18' rear yd on Lot 66 where 21' rear yd is reqd, with cond. C-18416 3/29/85---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 36- ZA considered request of NEW CONTINENTAL TILE & MARBLE CO., INC, to construct a warehouse observing 1) l" side yard where 5' is reqd.; 2) to-provide 38.4% of the lot area for parking where 40% of the lot is reqd.; 3) parking observing O' front yard where minimum 10' landscape front yard is required on Naple St. & Naples Place; 4) no landscape strip on Naples St. or Naple Place where minimum 10' landscape strip iw reqd. adjacent to public right-of-way located at 4904 Naples St., Zone M-lB & has DENIED items 1, 2 & partial APPROVAL of items 3 & 4, Subj to conds. C-19656 7/15/87 APPEALED to Board of Zoning Appeals on 9/16/87, BZA Modified the decision of the Zoning Administrator, to APPROVE item l; (2) to provide 33% of the lot area for parking where 40% of the lot is reqd. to be paved; 3) parking observing 5' front yard on Naples St. where 10' is reqd; 4) 20' front yard on Naples Place where 25' is reqd; & ') no landscape strip on Naples Place where minimum 10' landscape strip is reqd., subj to conds. C-19656 9/16/87---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----