Boulevard Gardens Card 2
BOULEVARD GARDENS CARD 2.tif:.,::... f... ~-~...... ".. "......... BOULEVARD GARDENS Lot 74- Permit to Rosa Ochoa to move sing fam frame res from 5002 Anna St. to 1225 Savannah HM Res 1012 12-28-59 Lot 82- Permit 4838 Savannah. to Augustin Durazo to move sing fam Por Lot 65 Permit to City of S.D. tomove sing fam frm res from 1883 Newton Ave. to. HM Res 1107 5-15-51 res from 2922 Whitman to 4933 Naples HM Res 1259 12-27-51 Por Lot 65- Permit DENIED to move sing fam res from 2922 Whitman St. to 4937 Naples HM Res 1260 12~27-51 Por Lot 65- DENIED permit to move 4-rm res from 2922 Whitman St. to 4935 Naples HM Res 1261 12-27-51 Por Lot 65- Permit to J.E. & Lois S. Starling to move sin fam, frm res from 2922 Whitman to 4933 Naples HM Res 1298 2-14-52 To move frame garage HM Res 1299 2-14-52 Lots 87 to 96 & 104-106- Permit to Benj Fish & H. Peterson, owners, & Dorothy & John W. Grus, pur to oper 44 unit trailer park & mgr res, Knoxville & Savannah Sts. (TENTATIVE) Res 6608 7-9-52 Lots 87-96- Permit to Benj Fish & H. Peterson, owners, & Dorothy & John Grus, pur to erect & Operate 44 unit trailer park & Manager res with 5 1 SB on Savannah St. (TENTATIVE) Res 6609 7-9-52