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Development Services

Boulevard Gardens Card 1

BOULEVARD GARDENS CARD 1.tif BOULEVARD GARDENS.,,.-_,.. Car~~- Lots 108-113- Permit granted to A. T. Backdahl, 3320 4th Ave., for 14 unit auto court on lots 1o8-113, condl Res. 103 5-14-42 Permit DENIED A. T. Backdahl for 17 unit trailer camp at 1364 Morena Blvd. on Lots Res. 104 5-14-42 Lot 1- Permit to Karl Kosmesky to move a wood frame shed from 2 95 San Diego Ave. to 4941 Weeks St. HM Res. 550 8-31-49 Lot 36- Permi to Fred Merrill to move single fam frame res from 1355 Paul St. to 4904 Naples St. HM Res. 674 3-2-50 Lots 78 &79- Permit to Rose G. Gongora to more sing fam, fram res f~om 746 Archibald St. to 4866 Savannah St. HM Res tlo8 7-14-50 Lot 75- Permit to Edward L. Ranger to move Lot 75- Permit to Edward L. Ranger to move Savannah St. frm res from 138 Dickens St. HM Res, 818 7-19-50 frm triplex Trom 140 Dickens HM Res. 819 7-19-50 to 1285 Vega St. St. to 4892 Lot 74- Permit to Rosa Ochoa to move frm res from 5229 Anna St. to 4906 Savannah St. HM Res, 847