Blair's Highland Add Block 1
BLAIR'S HIGHLAND ADD BLOCK 1.tif BLAIR9 S BIGBLABD ADDITION BLOCK l. Block l, Lots 47-48- Setback suspension, (Earle Chaddock) Res. ( 9-7-26 Lots 27. & 28- Condl 'l permit to L. R. Stengel to erect a double-faced neon sign at 2914 30th St. in the front yd out beyond the SB line Res. #1250 12-22-45 Lots 27 & 28- Ext. of l yr on Res. #1250 (see 9'ove) granted to L. R. Stengel Res. 1?754 12-31-47 Lots 19-20- DENIED Peter D. & Angilino Londo to constr second living unit, at 2919 Dale C-1237 6-3-57 DENIED above, the new unit to obs 18 1 rear yd (25' req) and making 45S' coverage(~ permitted) C-l.238 6-3-57 Lots 19 and 20- Pennit to Robert & Alice Londo to construct 369 sq. ft. of two bedroom addn to existing non-conforming single family dwelling; addn to observe all required yards but resul.t in 41..~ coverage where 40,, is permitted, at 2919 Dale Street between Palm and Redwood Streets, Zone R-1-5- Cond 'l.. / C-12,812 N.H. 9-13-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 27 & 28- ZA approved request of RUDOLPH & JUANITA RODRIGUEZ to increase the number of lodgers in existing group home for adults from eight to JO providing 3 off-street parking spaces where one parking space is reqd for each lodger at 2914 30th St., Zone R-1000. cond... C-18694 1/25/85 Amend to increase patients from 10 to 12 Approved 2/13/87