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Development Services

Birdrock Addition Block 6

BIRDROCK ADDITION BLOCK 6.tif BlDROCK ADDI'l'IOI BLOCK 6 ...... '. E 30' Lot 4 & all of 5,6- Permit to Ernest c. McGowan to div into 2 bldg sites on Froward Res 393 9/3/43 Lots 1,2- to Albert R. & Helen G. Hernandez to const bdrm add & remodel bath of sing tam. res on parcel w/2nd liv unit wnich obs 12' rear yd, 702 Forward, R-1 c-3521, 3522 8/19/60 Lot 9- ZA DENIED request of DEBORAH KENNEY to maintain a 184 sq. ft. deck, 14 18" in height observing at its closest point an 8 1 front yard where a 15' front yard is reqd. at 5731 Bellevue Ave., Zone Rl-5000. APPEALED TO BZA onZ/5/86- BZA OVERTURNS the decision request AS FOLLOWS, to maintain 75 sq. ft. deck (9'5" 14 1811 in height, observing at closes point an 8 1 front subj to conds. C-19029 12/13/85 of the ZA to partially APPROVE the x 8 1 adjacent to the stairs), yard, where 15' front yard is reqd., C-19029 2/5/86-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------