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Development Services

Birdrock Addition Block 10 Card 2

BIRDROCK ADDITION BLOCK 10 CARD 2.tif B!RD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 10 CARD #g POrtion Lots 16 & 17- Permit to James T.,land Barbara Hollis, Owners and Mrs. Grace Fritzberg & Mrs. Katherine Bennett, Furch, to add to bedroom of exist sin fam res;addn to obs all yd rea; exist r~s.obs 4' side yd and 4' rear yd for por of res at 5504 Linda Rosa, NW cor Midway St. and Linda Rosa. Zone R-1. Cond'l. that addn match exist res in design & materials. c-4052 N.H. 4-21-61 ABOVE- AMEND to permit a 5'6" extension to the.residence, per revised plane on file. c-4052 4-28-n Lot 6- Permit to Louts Beacham to const a sfd on a 4,375 sq. ft. lot at 5545 Taft Ave. Zone R-J-5. C-14528. 9-8-77.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3 & Northwesterly 20' of Lot 4- AGREEMENT to Merrie L. Reutlinger to add bar sink in den on second level. at 5559 Taft Avenue, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2573 7-1-80--------------.--.--------. Lots 18 & 19- ZA APPROVED request of MARGARET O. SCHIRTZINGER, owner, LOUIS W. BEACHAM, PURCHASER, to constr. a SFD on each lot containing 4,375 sq. ft., where a minimum lot size of 5,000 sq. ft. per lot is reqd at 5514 Linda Rosa Ave., Zone R-1-5, subj. to cond. C-18396 4/27/84 WHEREAS, on June 6, 1984, case was appealed by NORMA LITTLEt ET Alt BZA f 9 iJed t? r~ach 3 votes necessary to constitute action by the Board, & THERtFORE, he decision ER~YeBORUN ZA remains in effect WHEREAS, July 18, 1984, the BZA considered a request by B, ET AL, for rehearing the matter & WHEREAS, after discussion by the Board, there was no motion to reconsider. C-18396