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Development Services

Bird Rock City By The Sea Resub.Block H Card 1

BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA RESUB.BLOCK H CARD 1.tif----~-- ~-----~----.,----:-- 1 CIT!' BY THE SEA RESUBDIVISIOH BLOCI ff- i Lo s 4 to 6- Permit DENIED to Clara s. JacksOll to allow ~e & Dance ca1f'-.---- ~I 7-24-33 Lot 5- P~t DENIED Ch~;-:&. & El;;-L:-;;;;;:-;;;:;7.;;;-;~:-;;; ~~~;;--- sing tam res wit.h det gar & work rm at front; gar & work shop located 5-6 trolll front p.l. to obs approx 4 side yard where 4' is req, & coveri.JJ& approx 4$% oft.he lot where 4,01, coverage (max) is perm, at Dolphin Place, R-1-5. (betw Birdrock Ave. & Moes Lane. Case No. 6814 ll-25-64.---------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE APPEALED 12-3-64 and appeal was denied & decision of Z.A. sustained &- UO&f affirmed. Case No. 6814 12-29-64------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Permit to Chester E. & Elva L. Tussey to coru,t sing fam dwell with detached gar & workrm at front of lot obs 3 1-2" side yard where 4' is req, and covering 44% of the lot where 40% is perm (See C-6814), on west aide of Dolphin Place, 150 1 N of Bird H.ock Ave., Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 7054 J/2j/65-r:-o'tT-an"a2___ 2o6-Bfr"aRo"c1c"l:"v"in";;----~ai;;.;;;;i-~j-----~.;h-Wh:1i;-:r:;;;y-----n.:-1-9-=ia- Lo t 4- Permit to Frank J.Jr. & Ne! I ie R. Dore to const a two-story, sfd; (1) to obs 81611 front yard on Sea Rose Place and a 2' front yard on Dolphin Place at closest corner of garage; (2) to res in 44% lot coverage and.60 FAR, on Dolphin Place between Birdrock Avenue and Moss Lane. Zone R-1-5. C-14715. 11-14-77.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------