Bird Rock City By The Sea Block D
BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK D.tif BIRD- ROCK cm BI THE SEA BLOCK 11 D11 tot 7 suspended to al:' ow ~ res and gar '3B 10 1 on Abalone qt. Granted to Robert E. & Elita W. Maurer, 325 Coast Blrd. Res. 75387 8-21-41 Por Lots 3, 4, 8, ~ all of 5,6- Permit to the M. Hql1 Company to divide itno two parcels to permit res. on each parcel (See Plan Dept. File) Res. 1722?-29-46 Por of Lots 3,4, & 5 and all of 1 & 2- Permit to The E. Hall Co. to divide into 3 parcels to permit one sing. farn res on each east side of Dolphin n. sou-th of Bird Rock ~.ven (~e Plan Dept File) Res. 1723 8-29-46 For Arbitnary Parcel A (Lot 1, pro lot 2) Permit to Jacob & '.'lhirley P. Dekel'la ":.o canst bedrm & bath acldn to exist sing fam res located on par split after date of orig zoning (Par cre <1ted as P3r ~ by Res. #1723 & s~bseque tly redivide), 'Where sing faro res on par of record at time c of orig zoning is perm, at 225 Bird Rock \ve. R-1 Zone C-5277 10-31-62 Por Lots 3-5, & all 6 & 8- Permit to Dr. Kai & Mrs. Inger Kristensen to constr a 20' x 24' gar on lot with exist sin fam dwell, gar to obs 2 16" sideyd on nortn property 1 ine & l '6" s ideyd on south p.1 , where 4' s ideyds are req & 10' front yd, wnere 14' front yd is req at 5673 Dolphin Pl betw Coral Ln & Abalone Pl., Zone R-1-5, condl c-10165 11-10-70-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------