Bird Rock City By The Sea Block 10 Card 1
BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 10 CARD 1.tif... -... CARD #1 Lots l, 2 & N 20' of 3- Permit to Union Title Ins. & Tr Co to divide into bldg sites, Beaumont Ave. Res. #331 7-12-43 Lots 13-15- Permit to Union Title Ins. & Tr Co to divide into 2 bldg sites, Beaumont Ave. Res. #332 7-12-43 Lots 16-20- Permit to Union Title Ins. & Tr Co to divide into 4 bldg sites, Waverly Ave. Res. No. 333 7-12-43 Lots 21-25- Permit to Union Title Ins. & Tr Co to divide into 4 bldg sites, Waverly Ave. Res. #334 7-12-43 Lots 26-30 Permit to Union Title Ins. & Tr Co to divide into 4 bldg sites, Waverly Ave. Res. #335 7-12-43 S 2~ of Lot 11, all of 12 & N 20' of 13- Permit to Severin Constr Co. to divide & to permit one sing fam res on each, Beaumont St. north of Bird Rock Ave. Res. #1716 8-29-46 Sly~ SLot 6 all Lot 7- Permit to Mobilhome Corp. for Minnie &:IIX Violet B, Krueger to move frame res, & gar from 2751 Frontier St. to BEaumont Ave., L.J. HM Res #912 & HM Res #913 10-17-50 Lot 8 (exc Sl0')- Permit to Charles W. Younger to const sing fam res on par split out after zoning & prior to 12-5-54, Beaumont Ave, bet Camino de la Costa & Bird Rock Ave. R-1 Case #1560 12-13-57