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Development Services

Bird Rock Addition Block 25 Card 1

BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 25 CARD 1.tif.. BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 25 CARD Ill, Lots 16,17,18 Permit to rnion Title Ina. & Tr. Co. & A.lbert A. La.Jllrl.n to divide into 2 bldg sites, Bellevue Avenue & Colilna st.. RE'l. #394 9/8/43 Lot 19,20 & 21 to Upion Title Ins. & Trust Co. to divide into 2 parcels of land to permit a residence on each parcel. RES. #566 4/3/44 Lot 19,20, & 21 Peruit to Union Title Tns. to divide into 2 parcels to permit a res on each parcel, Be1levue Avenue. Res. 3'/8 8/24/43 Lot 8 permit to R. B. Turnbull to ve l atory frame res from 6933 leptune Pl. to Wavel:ly St. 280 1 Sly of midw~. 9-23-48-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 10 NWly 10 1 of 11, 1 sin f1Ill res., Alfonso Pl LaRol~Ue ~19 lC-9-51 Lot 11 eve NWly 10 1 NWLy lot 12, 1 sin faro res. Richard Paul La.Roque ~20 10-9-61 Lot 14- Z.A. cons app of Darby Bldrs to const sing frun res with att gar cov approx 49% of lot where 40% is perm on Waverly Ave. betw Midway & Colima '1ts., Zone R-1 and has DENIED the req 49% cov of subj prop but \.PPR0VED a max of 44% cov. Case #4835 5/25/62 Lot 22- Pennit APPROVED forM. WAINWRIGHT JR. & DEBORAH T. FISHBURN, for variance to maintain an existing CCIIlbi.nation sopen/solid fencing within the 13'-0" right of way and required 15'-0" front yard. 'Ibis pennit is APPROVED subject to conditions. 1/29/87