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Development Services

Beverly Heights (Par. A) Card 7

BEVERLY HEIGHTS (PAR. A) CARD 7.tif eEvERLV HEIGH-rs (PAR: A) ~ > .,(, iLf(..,,~'b-v ~ Easterly 67.91' of Lots 1 and 2- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JOHN SHEDD to erect approximately 16 1 of 9' high retaining wall observing 0 1 front yard on Miramar Avenue where maximum 3' high fence is permitted in established 15' front yard, located at 1265 Pearl Street, Zone R-1-5 . Conditions. C-18072 NH 5-24-83 Lot 7- ZA considered the amended request of JOSEF. MENDEZ, GENERAL PARTNER- to constr. a 2-story, SFD to (1) observe a 7 1 front yd where a max. 15' front yd is reqd; (2) observe a 34' height where a max. 30; height limit is permitted; (3) erect 30' of max. 6 1 hi wall in public right-of-way and 14' of max. 6' hi wall & 41 1 of max. 4' hi retaining wall for a total height of 10' observing a O'front yd at closest point where a max. 3' high wall i permitted in the reqd 15' front yd; & (4) chimney to be 17,5 sq ft. where 12 sq. ft. max. is permitted when the structure exceeds 30' in height at 7506 Mar Ave., Zone Rl-5000, and has APPROVED (1), (2) & (4) but DENIED (3) as requested but APPROVED 41 1 of max. 4' hi retaining wall observing a 0' front yd where max. 3' hi wall is permitted in the 15' reqd. front yd, with conds. C-18764 4/12/85