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Bernardo Trails Unit #7 Map 100084 Card 4

BERNARDO TRAILS UNIT #7 MAP 100084 CARD 4.tif BERNARDO TRAILS UNIT #7 (Map 10084)...,... i CARD Lot 2437- Hillside Review Permit granted to HIGH TRAILS PARTNERSHIP by the Planning Di to construe a single-family home on a 1.66 acre site on the west side of Aceituno Street between Bernardo Trails Drive & Camino Ramillette Street in the A-1-1/HR Overlay Zone. HR 87-0554 11/20/87 Lot 2427- Hillside Review Permit granted by the Planning Director to TOM HEATH to construct a 5,597 sq. ft., single-family residence located at the eastern terminus of Camino Ramilette in the Al-1/HR Zone. HR 87-0598 10/23/87 Lot 2423- Hillside Review Permit granted by the Planning Director to HIGH TRAILS PARTNER- SHIP to construct a single-family custom home on a 1,09 acre site which is covered by the Hillside Review Overlay Zone over approx 2% of the site on the north side of Camino Ramillette between Aceituno St, & Azofar St. in the Al-1/HR zone, 87-0553 11/20/87 Lot 2422- Hillside Review Permit granted to HIGH TRAILS PARTNERSHIP by the Planning Dir. to construct a single-family custom home on a 1,0-acre site which is covered by approx. 46% of HR overlay zone, on the corner of Camino Ramillett & Aceituno Sts., A-1-1 (HR) zone. HR 87-0552 11/20/87 Lot 2419 Hillside Review Permit granted by the Planning Director to HIGH TRAILS PARTNERSHIP to single-family custom home on a 2.29-acre site totally within the HR Overlay, located on the east side of Aceituno Street between Bernardo Trails Drive & Camino Ramilette, Al-1/HR zone. HR 87-0551 11/20/87