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Bernardo Trails #5 Card 8

BERNARDO TRAILS #5 CARD 8.tif BERNARDO TRAILS UNIT 115 q 7.:z. (# L c:.. CARD ft, Lot 2350- ZA APPROVED CUP request of THE BOHART FAMILY TRUST, PHLIP G. BOHART AND KIMBERLY A. BOHART, TRUSTEES, to,{1) install.eight, 20' hifh lights to liimuniate a proposed tennis court where such use is permitted by CUP only; (2) four lights to observe a 10' west, side yard where 20' is required; and (3) to erect 154' of 10' high, chain link fence with wind screen on top of a max. 3 1 high retaining wall within the 25' rear yard and within the 20 1 west side yard, located at 18728 Bernardo Trails Drive, east of Avenida Coreillera, A-1-1 Zong. Conditions. C-20917 2/2/892 Lot 2350- BZA PARTIALLY GRANTS APPEAL of ARTHUR MIDDLETON and, therefore, MODIFIES the decision of the ZA to APPROVE the request to (1) install eight, 20 1 max. high lights to illuminate a proposed tennis court where such use is permitted by CUP only; (2)four lights to observe a 10 1 west, side yard where 20' is required; and (3) to erect 154 1 of 10' high chain link fence with wind screen on top of a max. 3' high retaining wall within the 25 1 rear yard and within the 20 1 west side yard; Tennis court lights not to be illuminated later than 9 p.m. daily and the lights properly shielded and landscaping installed to shield the lights and have a minimal intrusion onto adjacent property, located at 18728 Bernardo Trails Drive, A-1-1 Zone. Conditions. C-20917 7/15/92-----------------------------------------------------------------------------