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Development Services

Belmont Block D Card 1

BELMONT BLOCK D CARD 1.tif BELMONT BLOCK D CARD #1 Lot 24- Permit to Oscar & Edith Schloss to convert exist 2 car garage to living quarters w/2 1811 side yd; 4417- 49th St. Res. 6212 2-20-52 Lots 3 & 4- Permit to E. H. Bunnell to maintain 23' of 8 1 211 wall along rear property line; 4479- 49th St.; Condi. Lots 5, 6, 7, & 8- Permit to L & T Corp. to retain wall obs 0' SB on 49th St., result in fence perm;- 4475- 59th St betw Monroe Ave Case 1356 8-16-57 erect 3' hi fence on top of exist 2 1 hi 5' hi fence obs 0 1 SB where max 3' hi & El Cajon Blvd, Zone R-4 Case 7160 5-14-65 Lots 25 and 26- Permit was considered by A2A to FRANK LOMAS (HOUSE OF HONDA) to (I) construct a two-story addition to existing commercial building; addition to observe a 1' rear yard where 15' is required; and (2) construct a 63' long ramp observing 2' rear yard where 15' is required, at 4904 El Cajon Boulevard, Zone C. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a one-story addition observing 1' rear yard. Conditions. C-17834 11-19-82