Bayview Homestead Block 19 Card 1
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 19 CARD 1.tif Jc,(;' ~ t, C.. t. o "'l I 7 "'2 I BAYVIEW HOME 9TEAI> BLOCK 19- CARD #1 Ely 32.5' of Lot:;_ & the Nly 26.07 1 of the Ely 32.5 of Lot 2 Permit to Eugene C. Clark owner & W.J.B. ran, purchaser to remodel exist lD.dg from 4 apts to 3 apts with not sideyd on east side, 4' rear yd approx l?Dl sq ft over cov Res. 1905 11/21/46 W 73 1 of Lot 6, Conk: 11 permit to Wm. E. Jacob to alter single fam res into 2 apts making a total of 4 units, with 31 betw dwellings Res 3674 1/26/49,W. 73' Lot 6- permit to wm. E. Jacob DENIED to erect neon directional sign approx. lo' long x 5' high, 16 1 above sidewalk, projectLg 51 over strPrt, on center post, with words "Bel t-'iar Hotel" with ar:row, on NE cor 9th & Ash %s. Res. #0061 3/17/54 Lot 10- Pe mit to 'tt.ephan Holm to cohst cone gar in bank with 0 1 Res. 8122 side yd at 1440 10th 4/14/54 Lot 10- Permit to '1tephan Holm to const gar in bank with 0 1 side yd Res. 8123 4/14/54- Lots 7, 8,9~ & 10- permit to Helix Real Estates Invest. Tr. to use par for parking in connec with commercial bldg (restaurant) to be const on adj C Zone, Lots 4, 5, & 6 parking to be t the p.l. on all sts, where parking for permitted uses on sane nr adj R-4 lot is perm, at 9th Ave. Ne cor Ash st., R-4 Zone, condl. C