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Development Services

Bayview Homestead Block 14

BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 14.tif BAY VIIW HOMIS'.t'.IAD,, Lota 7,8,9- Permit to Traveloclge Corp to coost 15{un$t. botel apt w/3' SB, 11W cor Aab & 9tn Rea~l2 10/3/51-------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------Lota T-9- Permit to SAME to erect 3' x 12' dbl face s:Lgii m.ounted on posts w/3' SB., AID sign on posts inside prop line Rea. 6199, 6200 2/20/52 Lots 4,5,6- Permit to Townnouse Lodge Corp. to erect 38-unit motel 2/21/ driveway, cor 8tn & Aab Rea. 7757, 7758 \ 9/30/53 \-----------------------------------------------------------------------~----------{-----