Bayview Glen Card 1
BAYVIEW GLEN CARD 1.tif BAYVIEW CLElt Lots 62 & 64- Permit to Bayview Glen Co. to const. single-family dwelling obs 10' SB where 15' is required, at West side of Arnott St., 900 1 (lot 64) & 1150' (lot 62) South of Jellett St., Zone R-1-5 CaseNos. 7120 & 7121 5-14-65 Lot 17- The Z.A. considered the app of Sommers Bldg. Enterprises, own & La Veile M. & Janet E. Rursch, purch, to const 50' of 51 high sol id wood fence encr 10' into est 10' SB on Arnott St., at 4950 Somam Ave., R-1~5, and has DENIED the 5' high fence as requested but has APPROVED a 5' high fence as shown on plot plan on file in the office of the Zoming Div. of the Planning Dept, with corner post to obs a min of 3' SB. Case No. 7904 NH 9-29-66 Lot 6- Permit to R.B Bass to constr a recreation room addn with bar sink to exist sin fam dwell at 2555 Arnott St. Zone R-1-5. AGREE 2036 3-3-75 Por Lot 55 & Lot 8, Lois Manor- Permit to Pioneer Community Congregational Church to add land pur from Clairemont Co. to use for parking purposes in connec with exist church & main sign structure at entrance to parking lot, R-1, 4905 Jellett St., Cond 1 I AMEND 9-23-75 C-1987 8-15-58 Lot 9- Permit to Edward & Margaret Meyer to const 23 1 2" x 22" detached gar on lot with ex isting sin fam dwel 1; gar to obs at clst pt 8 1 1011 frontyd where 10' is established, 4940 Pola Ct., Zone R-1-5 Cond'l C-13634 NH 5-3-76