Bayside Country Club Estates Block 2
BAYSIDE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES BLOCK 2.tif.. BLOCK 2 C,D-_:,"C'~ 1 L.. C L-1C- I-,..,.-Lot 1- Permit to Borman Urquhart to conatr ing fq rea, yd 5 ', rear yd 5' & cov 5~ Res. 71426 5/21/40 Lot 11- Permit to Geo A. Cwington to const bdrm & bath add abv exiat gar, botlt to oba 7' rear yd (20' req); &: to conat bobby sltop add to garage obs 7' rear yd, but DDIED 3' aide yd for hobby sltop add, 3041 Evergreen, R-1 C-1343 8/9/57 Lot l- Permit to M. Kendrick & Mar;r V. Witmer to conat fam I'll add to exiat sing f811l res vbiclt obs 5'-5' rear yd & cov 5~ of parcel permitted by CC 71426; add to obs all yd req, 3031 Evergreen, R-1 C-5~7 2/1:?,/63