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Bayshore Add To New Roseville Block 3 Card 1

BAYSHORE ADD TO NEW ROSEVILLE BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif,........-.# -...... "- "',......_ -...-............ ~- '..............-...._._..,. ~-._8A..... V____ S__ HO._.R."""Ec.........AD.... D_l~T.... IO..... N____ B=L... OC.... K_3 O c, I 1-S- 2 I., C...,.., Y.I.- I Lo ct'"l CARD 1-Por- Pennit to Tom aulconer to const 4-unit court, 3 1 SB from shafter, 100 1 S of Canon. Res 4291 11-16-49 Por- Pennit DENIED to Louise Flentye, owner, & Neely Electronic Corp, purch to canst one- story off bldg, S cor Upshur & Shafter, R-4. Res 9378 APPEAL sustained & Bd of Z.A. dee overruled, condl appr. cc 131227 1-18-56 2-9-56 Por- Pennlt DENIED to Wynn, 1Nc. to const 64-units & 49 gars obs 4 1 SB on Talbot & Upshur Sts., but Condi permit GRANTED to const sd bldgs obs 5 1 SB on Scott St; 10 1 SB on Upshur St. 10 1 SB on Talbot St; & 0 1 side yd along Anchorage Ln, unded st on Tidelands, R-4. Case 577 7-2-56 6 mos ext granted 12-5-56 Por Permit to Wynn, Inc. to canst 142 units & approx 160 gar; bldgs to obs 5 1 SB on Scott 0 1 on Anchor Way & 18 1 SB on Talbot & 10 1 SB on Upshur, SEly side of Scott betw Talbot & Upshur, R-4, condl. Case 1357 APPEAL of Mifflin Ward, Att 1y for prop owns in area, to dee. of appr was Denied, & decision of ZA sustained. 8-30-57 to Wynn Inc. 10-2-57 by ZA Por- Permit to Pt. Loma Develop. Corp, Sherwin, Lovett & Avoyer, owners; Wynn Inc. purch. to canst 42-units, 2-story apt bldg & 2 penthouse apts, 10 1 SB Scott & Shafter St., 74% coverage, 2841 Upshur; & build on Lots 13-16, Blk 7, New Roseville, condl. aw,,i 9/4r?&z Cases 2964 & 2965 12-4-59