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Development Services

Bayberry Unit #3 Card 1

BAYBERRY UNIT #3 CARD 1.tif CARD It 1 Lot 142- Permit to Andrew W, &Margie A. Yeargin to erect approx 107 ft. of retaining wall,; approx 58 ft. of wall 5' in ht to obs 611 setback on Chicago St, where a 3' hi wall is penn in front of 10' estab setback; at 4205 Cessna St, betw Denver St & Chicago St, Zone R-1-5,; Condl. Case No. 8735 (N,H.) 6-17-68---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 197- AGREEMENT to R.M. Lewis at 3136 Chicago St., Zone R-1-5 to install bar sink in playhouse & 1st & 2nd floor of 2-story recreation & living-roan addn to sin ~am dwell, A-#1592 7-11-69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 169- Perait to Weldon L, & Jane Oibeoo to coutr 18' x "'-10" open patio 1144n to exia' aill r c'.hrell, M4n to oba 16 1_.." rear JVd vtaere 20' ie req; at 3292 Donley- st~ betv Crete St aD4 Deve W&)', Zone R-1-5. Coll4'l. c-108661.1. 11-2-11----------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------Lot 162- 'll;te Z.A. has cons. the AMHNBllD req. of 'lheodore and Cynthia Gibbon to constr. a 14' x 24' patio add. to exist single fam. dewll; (l) add. to obs. 15' rear yard where 20' is req. and (2) to erect 15' x 29' open deck resulting in 47~ coverage where max. 40~ is perm; At 4161 Aeronca Ave., betwn. Chicago and Donley Sts. Zone R-1,5 and has (1) DEIIIED as req. but APPROVED 16' rear yard; (2) DENIED as req. but APPROVED 14 1 x 29' open deck, resulting in 42, coverage. Cond'l C-11796 3-i3-73 Lot 198- Permit to Roy H. & Saundra L. Ryan to add bar sink in recreation room on lower floor at 3126 Chicago Street. Zone R~J-5. AGREE #2327. 12-22-77,