Bayberry Card 2
BAYBERRY CARD 2.tif 'at,~ERRV 00'_3,D <:f~ I-, Go .:3c;:,,-1-,c:.~-~ ~ ~;;#~- Lot 4 4 Permit to Edward & Betty Poirier to constr. a 141 x 24 1 fam. rm. addn. to exist.- single fam. dwelling. Addn. to obs. 16 1 rear yd. where 20 1 is req. at 3745 Hactibby St. bet. Baltimore St. & Chicago St. Zone R-1-5. C-10589 N.H. 6-17-71-------------------------------------------------------- Lot 25, Permit to William B. and Hideko Louthen to maintain 38 1 611 of 4 1 high concrete block wall with 4 1 611 high pillars obs at the closest peint 6 1 front setback where a maximum 3' high wall is permitted in an est 10 1 setback at 3342.Chicago Street in R-1-5 zone. <:...-l~oi/ Lot 62- AGREEMENT with Eric ~earson, Kelly story living room addn, with outside access Zoned RI- 5000 Pearson & Bill Lyons attached to existing AGREEMENT #3245 to install bar sink in 2nd SFD at 3347 Chicago St. 3/7/84 I.ot 19- Agr~ 36?7 tha~ BARBARA TRAPP construct 2nd story addit. to exist. sing-family dwell w/ba.r sink in family roan on 2nd story and no outside access at 3386 Chicago st. 4-2-87 Por. Lot 49- Parcel 2, Parcel Map 11404- Yard & Fence Variance APPROVED BY ZA for ROBERT AND CLAIRE HARDESTY to construct single family dwelling obs. a min. 8'-0" side yard where 10'-0" is established; maintain south side yard and approx. 46 ft. of 8'-0" high, solid fence within east side yard where an 8' and 8'-2" fence is permitted within 10'-0" establ. side setback, provided the bottom 6' is solid and remaining height is 50% open in compliance with design criteria; and maintain an existing max. 7'-11" high open gate with max. 8'-6" solid, vertical elements obs. 13' front yard where a max. 6' gate is permitte within the 15' req/ front yard, proc. that bottom 3' os sp;od amd tp 3' is 50% open in complaince with design criteria, located at 3716 Mactibby St, in Rl-5000 zone, Conditions C-20789 7-23-91