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Development Services

Bayberry Card 1

BAYBERRY CARD 1.tif BAYBEBRY ao':~0'1L t..,C... '2.!,.O- i 70 '5- CARD Ill Lot 54 Permit to 11ista Park Dev. Co. to const sing fam res with 10' SB on Bal ti.more ~., 'on the Wly side of Baltimore nr Crete Res. #8395 8-4-54 Lot 50 & NEly 10' Lot SUJ, Bayberry Construction Co to construct sin fam res ~234 Lot 51 (NE 50 1) & NE lJ.77' of Lot 52 " " II II II ~235 SE 30 1 of Lot 52 & NW 43 1 of Lot 53 11 11 II II II ~2.36 NW 15 1 of Lot 53 & all Lot 54 11 11 II II II "-237 9-21-54 Lot 27 Permission DENIED to Barney Allgood to maintain an exist fence, approx 51911 high, in sb area, but permit granted to maintain an exist fen 6 1 high above 4 1 retaining wall, back of sb line, at 3776 Mactibby st. Res. #9010 6-22-55 Lot 8 Permit to Richard G. Moen to const patio & fireplace addn to rear of res, to obs 16 1 rear yd (20 1) at 3785 Mactibby, R-1, cond. Case #450 4-30-56 Lott 177 AGREEMENT #1425 to Darrell V. & Evelyn MVPhail to constr 2-story fam rm, bdrm & 2-bath add to exist sing fam res w/bar sink in fam rm on 1st level at 3222 Donley ~,. Zone R~l-5 5/3/66 Lo\ 31- P9ra1t to.Toao 1. Joyce lilloa. Ill to cooatr 15' x 29' faa rs aclta to exiat ain t ra; a4clra '\o ob 161 rear yard were 20' 1a NCI at 33"'1 Baltiaore ft 'betw Mactibby aat Cbicago Sta. Zone R-l-5 C-10565 a.11.. 6-11-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------