Bay Park Vista Unit #1 Block 1
BAY PARK VISTA UNIT #1 BLOCK 1.tif-z~o-1-io~ BAY PARK VISTA UNIT #1 60-z I c "J L c:. BLOCK l e Lot 11- Permit to Steelcrete, Inc. to erect model home, Morena Blvd, 70 1 $Ely of Baker St, Zone R-1; together with 2 signs 41 x 8 1 max size; to expire 6-30-50. Res. 48o6------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- Permit Roby L. & Harriet E. Hawkings to constr laundry & storage bldg, O' side yd; 3337 Morena Blvd; Zone R-1. Res. 163 8-26-54-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Permit to Raymond and Sarah A. Graber, dated 6-18-73, to constr. 24 1 x 24' gar addn to existing sin fam dwell; addn to obs 31 setback where lO' is established; and to erect approx 25' of 41 high block wall obs 3' setback where max 3' wall is perm in eatab. 10' setback, at 3315 M:lrene Blvd., betwn Baher and McGraw Sts, Zone R-l-5- Cond'l. C-ll,999 6-29-73--------------M'~r1c,-o------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- Permlt1to Louis Jr. & Theeesa Enriquez, at 3359 Morena Blvd., Zone R-1-5, to (1) con st r 19 '411 x 23' 811 garage and deck addn to exst SFD; addn to obs 5' setback and I Int sideyd (2) erect approx 15 1 of ret wall 8 1 hi obs at cl pt O' fryd. Condit. ~'1.Q-t\~_b_--_1_1___________ ~--~T-------~--~~3----:i:,-==~=~~~----------=:~::~---------B 1- R- '.DE;(;,,.&, c, N r:, +-z. q.::. u ~-rln..i~o,l,, ~f"n f3fTl c.. <-t 1.2-1,- 7 j_L_---