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Development Services

Bay Park Village Card 2

BAY PARK VILLAGE CARD 2.tif BAI PARK VILI.AGE cARD,I.. Lot 106 Permit:to Gilter Roy Nelson, Jr, to maintain enclosed patio, 625 sq. ft. in area, with 0 1 side & rear yd, 4325 Ashton St., R-1 Case #1323 7-26-57 Lot 154 Permit to Lawrence Herzog to maintain exist res & const rumpus rm & gar addn, both to observe 6 1611 sb on Littlefield (10 1 req) 1803 Goldfield Case #1450 10-4-57 'ttot 156 Permit to LilJian J HUIIDler to convert ex gar obs 17 1 rear yd, (20 1 req) to bednn & bath & attach ~ores by roofed patio & breezeway; & attach new gar to exist. sin fam res. 1819 Goldfield 3t, Zone R-1 agreement. 1/1045 Case 2647 7-7-59 Lott 233 Permit to St~ndard Oil Co fo Cal lessee, & Irvin J Kahn, owner to construe~ slntle pole, double-faced 31 1 x 5 1 neop sign & erect 2 floodlight poles in sb area (10 1 sb req) W llo' of Lot 233 (Tentative resub of Lot 233) E side Morena Blfd, R-1 (tent. C-lA), that Record of Survey be filed. Case 2628 7/10/59 Lot 146- ZA APPROVED request of BUDDIE R. & DOROTHY V. HOUSTON to convert existing 276 sq. ft. attic to guest house on second floor of SFD on lot containing SFD & attahced garage at 1856 Denver St., Zone Rl-5OOO. with cond. C-18629 11 /16/84