Barlow Subdivision
BARLOW SUBDIVISION.tif BARLOW SUBDIVISION C:c 1 e Lot 1- BZA DENIED af)peal of CHARLOTTE RUSSE PLAZA,LTD. to: (1) erect 2 ground signs; one having 237 sq. ft. of signage and one having 178 sq. ft. of signage where a maximum of two signs are permitted with a maximum of 100 sq. ft. of signage for each sign; & (2) both ground signs to observe a 15' front yd where 25' is required at 7126 Miramar Rd., Zone M-lA. \ c- 18649 1 /2/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1, CSP granted by PD, GLENDALE FEDERAL BANK requested for ground and wall signage at 7126 Rd, M-lA. Zone CSP 92-0524 12-18-92