Balboa Plaza Unit #1
BALBOA PLAZA UNIT #1.tif i> ALMA PLAZA UN IT #1; Lot 1- ZA considered request of BALBOA RENTAL PROPERTIES/GARFIELD SHOPPING CENTER- 1) to replace an existing freestanding ground sign on Clairemont Drive with a 64.88 sq. ft. 15' high sign observing O' setback where 12 1 is reqd & 2) to erect an additional 64.88 sq. ft., 15' hi freestanding ground sign on Balvoa Ave. observing a 0 1 setback where a JO' is reqd in a CN zone where no ground signs are permitted at 4224-38 Balbea Ave., Zone CN & after consid- eration of the fads has APPROVED Item I, DENIED Item 2, but approved a 64.88 sq. ft., 10' hi freestanding ground sign on Balboa Ave. observing a 0' setback where JO' is reqd, subj to cond. C-18799 5/24/85--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 5331- Planning Connnission GRANTED CUP request of MOBIL OIL CORP. to replace an existing pump island and cashiers booth with a new snack shop building located on the east side of Clairemont Drive between Balboa Avenue and Ute Drive, CN Zone. Conditions, 85-0628 1/9/86---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------