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Development Services

Balboa Park Towers

BALBOA PARK TOWERS.tif IALBOA PARK TOWERS,_ t Lot I- Permit to Sixth Avenue Inv. & Dev. Co. to main for a per of I yr a temporary sales office for 126 unit condom where such use shall terminate 2 yrs after filing of subdiv map (rec 6-19-73) & not be estab closer than 200' from any occupied dwelling unit not in same subd iv, 3634 ""7th Avenue, Zone R-4, Cond' I d'.d.-~..4- ~-,,,,,_,,,_?5- ("'"'-/9'- 7 d rd,.,,\ ~ /O-r-77 C,o-i/-76' c-13275 9-23-75_Jil__ ~----------------------------------~1---------------------------------------------------- d!ilc..../. ', _.,z;_,,-o- /- 7 7 (/d- t'- 7,} Permit to Sixth Avenue Investment & Development Co. to develop property on both sides of Seventh Avenue bet Brookes Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue and proposed Seventh Avenue clos- ing. LC No. LC-3. 1-25-72. R-4 Zone, LC Overlay Zone.