Balboa Crest #2 Card 002
BALBOA CREST #2 CARD 002.tif Lot 4- Z.A. considered request of Wells Fargo Bank to erect (1) 3 directional signs of 4 sq. ft. each where wall signs on'.cy are permitted (2) 1- 81 sq. ft. ground sign 27'-6" high where wall signs only are perm (3) 2 additional wall signs 4 sq. ft. each facing Mt. Ada Rd, at 9~~ Balboa Ave. betw Mt. Rias Pl and Mt. Albertine Ave. Zone CO and has (1) APPROVED sub to conditions (2) DENIED as submitted; APPROVED 4 1 3" x 15' (3) APP:OOVEJ). /-Jo-1'-~-L6..;;.2-.,_?Y-___ ~uJ..._.Jj_--?.;~:7!.._::1_~::~-~-~-:~~i~~--~--~ Lot 3- Permit to 6th Kendall Properties (Burger King) to erect two menu boards & one clearance sign DENIED; one menu single-faced with overall ht of 7'-6" and 20.5 sq. ft. and one menu board 61-7 1/2" hi & 30 sq. ft.; clearance sign 14 1/2"" hi & 20 sq. ft. where one gr. sign only max 37 1/2'sq ft is perm on ea st frontage when pldg Is 20' from prop 1 i ne~ 6401 Ba 1 boa Ave., Zone CA-S but APPROVED per Exhibit "A", cond' J. C-13317 I0-20-75 Lot 4 (Par 2, P.H. 3716)- Permit to Donald & Barbara Saba to contr 3-story medl-dental office bldg obs 41 811 sideyds wher 7' req & to prov 27 pkg spaces where 32 refjj, sideyd was APPROVED but parking DENIED, con'l, 6433 Balboa Ave., Zone CO. C-13314 10-23-75-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 4 (Par 2, P.M. 371&)- Permit to Donald G & Barbara A. Saba to const 2 dental office bldgs above parking on parcel & result in approx 55% cov where 50% perm, 6432 Balboa Ave., Zone CO, cond'l c-13505 3-3-76 Lot 2- ~ermit to Balboa Crest to erect tlrlo 18' x 2.5 1 sign;-;ttched to ~;~;;;d-;~;f~-p;~]- 1' from the face of the mansard where sign!:! must be attched to the face of bldg, 6393 Ba 1 BOa Av'f.,.Zone CA-S Al\.tlbl.i '4/l-7J71 , c-13527 3-8-76