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Azure Vista Block 3 Card 002

AZURE VISTA BLOCK 3 CARD 002.tif:.:Al:U~R.a.::E.__V.:..!..:I S:...:.Ta..:.A_______...::B=L=O.;;;.;CK.......;.,M o O 1 9 "'i> 1 I..,, '- '?C-l- I (p 4 i CARD'- Portion of Lot 5 & 6, Pennit to Tessler Co. Inc to build one single-fam res with 77.11 ft. frontage on Cordova St. 5-531 6-12-58 Lot 26, Permit to Seabreeze Const Co, owner; Alfred M. Berger, purch, to maintain & complete construction of sing fam res oas 4.88 1 side yd on N side & 4.9 1 on S side; eaves to obs 3 1 911 fnn prop line; fireplace& ornamental rock wall to within 2. 14 1 of prop I ine on N side & 2.8 1 on S side, 819 Sunset Cliffs Blvd, R-1, condl (denied request for eaves to obs 2 1 to I. 65 1 on S side) Case 4404 9-22-61 Lot 9- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. James M. MacDonald to maintain an exist res obs a 4.45 1 side yard on the south where 5 1 is req, at 852 Cordova St., Zone R-1. Case 2044 9-10--58 lot 1, Por 2- AGREEMENT to Norman R. & Dorothy A. Starr to construct sin fam res with sink in dark room on each lot at 886 and 890 Cordova St., Zone r-1-5. A-1698 7-29-7 1 Lot 1, & North 43.5 1 of Lot 2- Pennit DENIED to Nonnan R. & Dorothy A. Starr to move on a sin fam res obs a 16 1 rear yd where 20 1 is req at 890 Cordova between Monaco and Carmelo St., Zone R-1-5. C-10881 11-19-71 lot 19- Permit to Conreys South to constr sin fam dwell with bar sink in basement family room at Sunset Cliffs Blvd. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1815 12-12-72