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Development Services

Azure Coast #3

AZURE COAST #3.tif A2URE COAST IJ3 Lots 13-20- Permit to Azure Coast Inc. {Lots 14-17'& Lots 19-20); D.H. & K.C. Lochte- feld (Lot 13) and Dick E. & Melinda Kamprath (Lot 18} owners to maint access to exist sin fam dwell on lot 5 13 & to constr sin fam dwell on each of Lots 14-20, all to be served by existing 20' paved easement off Seen Way running across the rear of Lots 12-19 where parking facilities on each lot are req to have convenient access to a public street or alley at 7777 Via Capri, So. of Hidden Valley Rd. & west of Senn Way, Zone R-1-20, condl c-9873 6-1-70 Lot 14- AGREEMENT with Lester A. and Mildred A. Weisz to construct a sitting room and bedroom addition to an existing SFD, located at 7765 Via Capri in the SF La JollaShores Planned District. A-4515 1-17-90