Axene Industrial Park Card#1
AXENE INDUSTRIAL PARK CARD#1.tif,- AXENE INDUSTRIAL PARK I,,___--,-~:.-'c:~rd #1 Lots 1 & 2- For Case No. $862 See THE HIGHLANDS Card No. 5. Case No. 7862------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1- Appeal DENIED Dodge Tovn, Inc. from decision of ZA of req of Truman Vencill & Richard & Wilma Rouse, Owners, & Dodge '!'own, Inc., Le11&ee, for perm to erect one 18o sq. ft., dble-faced, interior lighted, single pole ID sign w/pole encr 15' into req 25' front yd & 5' over req 10' landacape strip, at 4916 Kearny Mesa Rd at NW corner of ita intersection w/Buckhorn St; Zone M-lA. Case.No. 8487 2-26-68----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots l & 2- z.A considered the app of Richard & Wilma Rouse and Truman Vencill, owners, & Kearney Mesa Volkswagon, Inc., lessee, to erect one double-faced, interior lighted, 50' high.34' wide ID sign with base obs req yd but edge of sign obs 81 front yd, light standards to obs 12' front yd where a 25' front yd is req (See C-7862 and 8487); at 4940 Kearny Mesa Rd., at the SW cor of its intersec with Vickers St., Zone M-lA, and has DENIED the requested sign but APPROVED the light standards. Case No. 8618 4-16-68-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 1 & 2- Above (Case No. 8618) APPEALED by Richard and Wilma Rouse, D.mers, and Kearny Mesa Volkswagon, Inc., Lessees; Appeal DENIED and decision of ZA sustained and affirmed. Case No. 8618 5-31-68 Por Lot 3- Permit to Guardian Square Limited to erect one 4'x2'6" overall height 4', non- ilium ground 1.0. sign observing a 0 1 fy where 25' is req and encroaching 10' into req 10' '.Plantin~_strip_at 8361 Vickers Street, Zone M-lA. Conditions. C-14187. 4-14-77.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- ~