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Avalon Heights Card 4

AVALON HEIGHTS CARD 4.tif AVALON ffEtGHTS D0\(a0C, (_.(._ ~2 \C\-171~- CARD #4 Lot ~7- f 35'. h h d Perm1.t tQ Th.omas M. Bclean and Richard P. Suss to const a s d approx 1n e1g t an to obs a 0 1 fy at Ar cad ta Dr tve lietween Hawk. St. and Ava 1 on Dr Ive, Zone R-1-5 (HR}, Condition. C-14115. 2-23-77. ~=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lot 35- AGREEMENT to Dr. Sidney Simmonds to constr 3-story sin fam dwell w/bar sink in study on 1st floor at 4378 Arcadia Dr., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2226 12-10-76 lot 51- AGREEMENT to Robert L. & Dorothy R. Karen to add bar sink in room addn to a SFD at 3575 Elsinore Place, Zone R-1-5 AGREE #2312 1D-18-77------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 8 & 9- Permit to Lyle Olsen to construct, use and maintain a private tennis court approval of a Hillside Review Permit and yard and fence height variances on property located at the rear of two residences on the west side of Arcadia Drive, north of Avalon Drive. HR Zone. HR #75, 12-22-76. Lot 33 & 34-Permit APPROVED by A2A to John R. & Helen T. Baranski to maintain of single- family dwelling w/ garage observing 3'6" side yard where 4 1 is requ. (due to lot split) & maintenance of access across adjacent lot to the south where direct access to dedicated st. ls req. (cond) at 4374 Arcadia Dr. Zone Rl-5 HR Ct6768 5/21/80