The Aspens
THE ASPENS.tif THI: ASPENS (} Lot 2- ZA has APPROVED request of ASPEN, LTC. to maintain I) approx. 145' of 6 1 to 11'211 hi retaining wall on the east prop. I ine, observe a 6 1 interior yd where max. 7' hi retaining wall or fence is permitted in the reqd 10 1 interior yd; & 2) approx. 27' of 4 1 hi retaining wall with 6 1 hi fence on top for an overall height of 10' & 30' of 8 1 hi iron security gate, to observe a O' interior yd on the W. side of the property where max, 6 1 hi retaining wall with 3' hi open fence on top & 6 1 hi security gate is permitted in the reqd 10' interior yd at 5885 El Cajon Blvd,, Zoned R-1000, cond. c-18393 4/27/84 Lot 2- ZA considered request of ASPENS, LTD. to: (1) maintain 2, four-story bldgs. with 56 2-bedroom units & one, one-bedroom unit observing 7' interior yd at closest point, where 10' is reqd; & (2) constr 24 wooden structured carports to obs. al I rear yd where 21' is reqd & 20 Carports observing a 1' interior yd where 10 1 is required at 5885 El Cajon Blvd, Zone R-1000 & after consideration of finding of facts, has (1) APPROVED: (2)DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 17 carports-along the west property I ine to observe a I' interior side yd where 10 1 is reqd, subj to conds. C-18335 2/24/84 8/8/84 APPEALED by APPLICANT to BZA BZA APPROVED the modification as follows: ITEM #1- APPROVED: ITEM #2 DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 17 carports along the west property line to obs al I interior side yd where 10 1 is reqd, & 24 carports along the southerly property line to observe a 3' rear yard where 21' is reqd, subj to conds.