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Development Services

Arnold Knolls Card 1

ARNOLD KNOLLS CARD 1.tif CARD #1 Lot ll- Permit too. D. Arnold & Sons to constr res with 5' SB on Ivy St. at Westland Ave. SE cor Ivy St, (proposed) Zone R-2. Res 8967 6-8-55---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------- Lot 69- Permit to Chas L. Quantrell to maintain 5' cone blk wall in SB area with per al.g fr prop line on Jacot Lane at 3566 Ivy St, Zone R-2. c-596 6-28-56 Lot 12- Permit DENIED to Lorenzo Giacalone to maintain approx 45' of 5'-8" hi solid wood fence encr 10 1 into estab lO' SB on Ivy St. at 2173 Commonwealth Ave, at SW cor of interseci with Ivy St, Zone R-2. C-10104 10-19-70 Lot l- Permit to Emidio & Mary Palestini to constr 24' concrete blk ret wall ranging in ht from O' to 5' obs O' SB on Ivy St. where max 3' high wall is perm in 5' estab at 21 70 Westland Ave, betw Ivy St, and cu1-de-sac. Zone R-2. Cond'l, C-12259 12-6-73 Appeal to BZA- Appeal DENIED (3-22-74 Lot 38- Permit DENIED to Pedro Gomez to convert exist double gar to bedroom and provide two 9' x 10' parking spaces obs 0' SB where 12' is estab at 1942 Petra Dr betw Petra Pl and Pentucket Ave. Zone R-2. c-12516 4-19-74 Appealed to BZA- Appeal GRANTED 6-19~74---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Land Conservation Permit to Melvin Watling for 5' retaining wall, 20' in length at 2142 Westland Ave. Map 3234 14o-LC 9-17-74-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------