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Arnold & Choate's Add Block 75

ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 75.tif ARNOLD &.CHM~ ADDITIBN. BLOCK 75-~ 00 ::c?'-I L' C 2 '7...- I l \ 5' Lots 20, 21- Permit to Dominic & Rose Castagnola, own; Rose King, les to use exist dwell & gar for res & retail antique shopat 3920 Goldfinch St., R-4,c cond'l C-3396 6/16/60 One year extension 6/13/61 to expire 6/30/63 Lots 22-24- Permit DENIED to Larry B. Cruz to re-establish com'l use In bldg on R-4 property where such use is req to terminate if the bldg is not occupied for I yr, 911 W. Univ. Ave. Zone R-4 8ZA upheld dee of ZA- 12-16-75 C-13259 10-17-75