Arnold & Choate's Add Block 68 Card 1
ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 68 CARD 1.tif___,__,~~ W"'",._..,,...,...,,..--- ~-- Block 68 Lots 1-2 N-50 1 Service station, to the P.L. on Washington "lt. Granted to Gen Petroleum Corp. Res. 53877 5/26/30 Block 68 Lots 1, 2 & 3- {North 34.8 ft. of the~ 79.8 ft.)- Permit to Jesse T. Davis to construct a two-story duplex at rear of lot and maintain exist. 5 ft. access court at side of exist. single family res. at 3985 Falcon St. Res. No. 2781 1/14/48 Lots 1, 2 & 3, eBC. the N 50 1 thereof- Permt, cond 11, to Jesse T. & Emma R. Davis to tear down exist. gar. & const. 5-car gar. wi h 2 apts. over, making 9 units on prop. ~ith 5 ft. access court, 3977 Falcon St. Res lo. 3390 8/25/48 Lots 1,2 & 3 exc. N 50 1- Amend. to Res. No. 3390 Above, to Jesse T. & Emma R. Davis, exist. dwelling to be removed b 1-1-1951. Res. No. 6260 E/29/49------ Sly 45 1 Lots 9-10- Cond 11 permit to Kat ryn c. & Walter C. Langerman to build gar 1 1 sideyd, 3 1 rear yd, not witlin rear 30%, 3955 Falcon st. Res No 4511 3-8-1950 Lots 1, 2 & 3 exc N 50 1) Ext. of 12 months from Res. 4260 & 3390 Above, to Jesse T. & Emma R. Ihvis, remove exist. dwlling by 1-1-52 Res. 5172 12-13-50 Lots 1, 2, & 3{exc N 50 1) Ext. of 12 months to Res. 5172 Above, Jesse T. & Emma R. Davis 3977 Falcon '3t. Res. No. 6024 11-28-51 Lots 1,2&3 exc N 50 1- Permit to Jesse T. & Emma R. Davis to maintain 5 car gar with 2 apts above, on condition taat exist sin fam res on front of prop be removed within 90 days from date of Res & agreem~t to be recorded {no other ext) Res. 7023 12-10-52