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Arnold & Choate's Add Block 5

ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 5.tif ~""\ ~ lttkotri & citoims /II}!)~ tots 1 to 4 inc. Pe:~mit to Herbert A. and Elvera M. Coffin to build an add. to an exist residence at 4295 Ibis St. add. to have approx. 1.3 rt. rear yd, subject to re- moval or reconstruction of exist. gar Res. ll)5 10-11-45 i.~~-1:i.-:7> ~~-i"tTo"sid-simmonds-ai""1im-an'a""1i29s-n1s-s1:-:-ro;;e-~-:-r-;;-10-constrnct a SFD with access vla a common driveway across Lots 2 & 3. Condit. C-16312 8/28/79 Lots 21 & 22- ZA APPROVED request of MICHAEL B. MATALON to remodel an existing one-story, single-family dwelling and construct a second-story addition to observe a 3'0" side yard; and observe a 3'-2" south side yard where 4' is required at 4284 Hawk Street, Rl-5000 zone with conds. C-20434 1/8/90 Lots 13 lnd 14- AGREEMENT with LEO FINEGOLD to;maintain a detached workshop with one-half bath adjacent to an existing twoOgcar garage, replafement parking to be provided on a lot developed with a one-story single-family residence, located at 4254 Hawk Street, Rl-5000 Zone. Agreement No. A-5374 5/20/92