Arnold & Choate's Add Block 46 Card 1
ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 46 CARD 1.tif ARNOLD t CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 46 CARD #1 Cc;,03~'-\ ',C. 2-\'2 \ 7\ <;'"' Block 46 Lots 13-14 Apartment over gar 4 1 from W prop line & 15 1 fron N line, and providing building is &et-back 10 1 from street line. Granted to Arthur C. Harris, 2434 Captian Ave Res 73229 1-28-41 I E of N 10.32' of Lot 23 & E of 24 Pennit to W Madeline Rieder to oper real estate office in res with 2" x 10" sign in window at 4096 Goldfinch St. for 1 yr. Res 8304 6-23-54 Por Lots 23 & 25 1 yr ext. to Res 8931 ABOVE to W Madeline Reider to oper real estate office at 4096 Goldfinch St. R-4 /..) Case 535 6-19-56 d YR. Ext a E,Y k-Jo-1,Srs,2,f-(?3_ Lots 5 & 6- Permit DENIED to Flossie Farley to conv exist double gar to apt, making 5 units on prop., gar observing 1411 sid yd, at 4077 Hawk St. Case #1005 2-15-57 Por Lots 23 & 24 One yr. ext to Case #535 ABOVE to W. Madeline Reider to oper real estate office at 4096 Goldfinch, l yr. ext 6-13-58 2 yr ext to expire 6-30-61 5-29-57 Por 23 & 24, 2 yr ext to expire 6-30-63 granted to W. Madeline Reider. 6-26-61 Lots 7-8- Permit to Bill Jaynes & Thomas exist commercial bldg; addn to obs 0 1 int residentially zoned prop (exist bldgs obs Zone C. Cond' 1. F. Calvert, Jr. to constr 2nd story addn on an side yd where 4 1 is req when side lot line abuts 0 1 int side yards) at 4o69=71 Hawk St. C-13083 5-12-75