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Arnold & Choate's Add Block 22 Card 2

ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 22 CARD 2.tif A&NOL.I>,& CHOATES ADD IT I ON co~ '9::3- '"i--L., C. ~I 'i.- I 1 S' BLOCK 22 CARD #2 Lots 20 & 21- HR Permit to David & Judith Nielsen for grading for foundations & sewers at 4176 Inga I ls.,St. for sin fam dwell 234 HR 9-24-75--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Lots 20 & 21- Permit to David & Judy Neilsen to const slnfam dwell with (I) 20' x 20' car! deck obs O' frontyd where 15' req; (2) erect 9' x 9' entrance bridge to house with planter box &:d, I ights obs 9' frontyd where 15' req; (3) 7 architechtural proj obs 2' interior sldeyd & I balcony obs 3' int sideyd where 4' req; 1176 Ingalls St., Zone R-1-5 & HR, cond'I ~:~f~~,d~-R~~"i~~-p~;~"i~-~~-~~i~~-f~:=~~~!:~-~~-,~~~ii~-s~~----!i?::~-------- 270 HR 3-10-,16--------------------------------------------------- ~---0----------------------------------- Lots 18 & 19 & Ingalls st clsd- Permit to Robert & Carolyn Bowlus to const sin fam dwell w/detched parking deck obs O' frontyd where 15' req & to prov 2 parking spaces ea approx 19' deep where 20' req; deck & stairs attched to sin fa!lj dwell to obs 0 1 int sideyd where 4' req, on Inga! ls St., Zone R-1-5 HR, cond' I ~ 7-~~-.J o/______________________,.C-13584..__________________ 4-27-76----------