Arnold & Choate's Add Block 13
ARNOLD & CHOATE'S ADD BLOCK 13.tif,.,--AftNOtD & CROATE$ ADDN--BtOCKtlb <?~ ~-5::{--z:~c. il~~'i"!s" 97-- Lots 1 thru 20 Permit to Herbert 1tlles, f-r. owner, & Verl R Houston, pur, to const 19 units 8c 28 gar, cros'3ing lot lines, at Arboi; Hunter, Eagle & lPaloon ~s., 'Cond. ,, Res #9211 10-26-55 AMEND above resolution to read as follows; permission is here by granted to Herbert Stiles, Jr., owner, and Ve:'l R Houston, purch, to construct 19 units & 28 gar, cm,ssing 1 lot lines or Lots 3- 22, at Arbor, Hunter, & Falcon st., Zone R-2 subj. to conditions as outlines on abo:re re11. Res 9273 11-4-55 Six month's extension to Res 9273 Case II 454 FINAL Erl. to Res. 9273 Case #414 5-3-56 Lots 3 thur 22 Amend Case 11454 above condl permit to Sapp Bros. const co to const 8 one story sin tam units & 16 gar to expire 11/3/57 Case 114fi4 4-8-57 Lots 3- 22 Case# 454 ABOVE amended to pemmit 6 sing ram res, one 2-story dupla, & 4 far., on Lots 1- 24 to expire 2-16-58 Case #454 8-16-57 Lots 1- 24 Perm't to Sapp Bros. const. Co to observe 5' SB for 2 units, 9 1 ~ for 1 pr. one unit 10 1 SB (15 1 req) at Arbor, Hunter, Eagle & Falcon, cond 11 Case II 1354 8-16-57-