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Development Services

American Park Addition Block 7_Card #1_

AMERICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 7_CARD #1_.tif Lots 1, 2, & 3 '.Pe m' t to Edw 0: & 0ze17 e tlupe, owners &: M W &)hry Jane Morris, pur, to rediv into 2 equal par, & const sing ram res on ea, SE cor ltrandywine & j1rinceton, 15 1 SB on both sts to be observed Res. No. 8038 2-17-54-------~------------------------------------- Lots 21, 22 & 23 Permit to Qias & Marguerite Ballew & I E Bramlett to red.iv into 2 par 62' 1 x 75 1 & canst sing fam res on ea, NE cor Princeton & Bunder Hill, with 15'1 SB on Princeton & 10 SB on Bunker Hill Res. No. 8049 3-3-54---._-----------------------------------------------s Lot 11, all Lot 12 Pennit to Louis & Mary R. Reichel to oonst sing fam res on par with 371 frontage on Princeton Ave R-1 ~84 8-18-61--Lot 10 & N Lot ll, Permit to above to maintain par as R-1 lot. With 37 frontage on Princeton Ave. s-685 8-18-61 ~~;-i;-;t ~~ ~w~i-;;;,;~~ry-~;e-;;-;;;;;;;:;~;-;~-3925-ii;i~-~::- sp=~-!~!!~!_:~-!~J.!!~~~:~~-~!--------!!i.U~P--~-------------------------1~----- Lots 40-41- Permit to Vernon & Key- Meyers to constr 18 1 x 20 1 gar addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in 46~ cov where max 40% is perm, at 3670 Moultrie St. betw Bunker Hill and Brandywine Streets. Zone R-1-5. Cond 'l. C-12881 ll-22-74