American Park Addition Block 5_Card #3_
AMERICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5_CARD #3_.tif AMERICAN PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5 Card f/3 ' Lots 39 & 40- Agreement with Thomas Smith to construct a new 3-story single-family dwelling with two first floor bedrooms and full baths, in addition to a third floor containing study, bedroom and full bath. Both floors have outside access via an exterior spiral staircase and have interior access through access through an interior stairwell leading to common living area on 2nd floor, located at 3560 Trenton Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement 114179 8-1-88 IDts 39 & 40- PI.ANNING DIREx::TOR GRANTED a Hillside Review/Resource Protection Overlay Zone Pennit to THCMAS C. SMITH, to construct a single-family residence with associated landscaping, located on Trenton Avenuebetvieen Ticonderoga and Bunker Hill, with access taken fran the Trenton alley, in the Clairerront Mesa Carmunity Plan area, Map 983, Rl-5000/HR Zone. HR/RPOZ #88-0487 9-16-88 Lots 6, 7 and Por. Lot 8- ZA APPROVED CUP for LEER. AND ELIZABETH M. DUPUIS to maintain a second-story, guest quarters located above a detached three-car garage on a lot with a one-story, single-family dwelling where quest quarters are permitted by CUP only and said garage and guest quarters addition observing a 2'-3" rear yard where 4'-0" is required, located at 3571 Moultrie Avenue in the Rl-5000 Zone. C-20853 11/22/91